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Hull Framing Systems, Secondary Classified into Mixed framing [L+T] Most widely used L: in bottom tanks T: in ship sides, Longitudinal framing [L] used in Side longitudinal, Longitudinal girders fitted at Botoom/deck [centreline & side girders], Transverse framing [T] used in Open floor, Transverse rings [at intervals of 3-4m] consits of Bottom Transverses, Transverse rings [at intervals of 3-4m] consits of Web frames [0.125 times depth from tank top to deck above], Primary Classified into Transverse rings [at intervals of 3-4m], Longitudinal framing [L] used in Bottom longitudinals, Hull Girder Framing Systems consists of supporting members Primary, Transverse framing [T] used in Deck beam
Function of Hull Girder